Family and Historical Legacies

Images of family and historical legacies

Feaster Family Reunion
This image was supplied by Shirley Glory nee Wagaman. This picture of a Feaster family reunion was taken at the Wike family farmhouse in Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania.

If anyone can help identify the people in this photograph, please contact Shirley Glory or U.S. Legacies.

Published in the January 2005 issue of U.S. Legacies Magazine. 
Keywords: Feaster Family  Reunion

Feaster Family Reunion

This image was supplied by Shirley Glory nee Wagaman. This picture of a Feaster family reunion was taken at the Wike family farmhouse in Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania.

If anyone can help identify the people in this photograph, please contact Shirley Glory or U.S. Legacies.

Published in the January 2005 issue of U.S. Legacies Magazine.

Feaster_lester_1_jan05.jpg Feaster_lester_2_jan05.jpg Feaster_reunion_1_jan05.jpg