When I was in the prime of my adult life, it was easier to keep track of the years, because I would simply try to remember what woman I was dating, or what state I was living in during the Christmas season. But as the number of years that I have been around continue to add up, combined with the fact that I am no longer living in a different location every couple of years or concentrating on a “social life”, it becomes harder for me to remember where I was or what I was doing during any particular year of my life.
However, there are still a few years that stand out, primarily because of my Christmas Memories, such as the year I was living in Tennessee and my teenage son decided to spend the holidays with me. It was the first time in 10 years that we were going to spend Christmas Day together. We went out into the woods behind my house and cut down our own Christmas Tree and decorated it together. Then on Christmas morning, I remember waking up and seeing about an inch of snow on the ground. The area I was living in, only received a total of 3 inches of snow per year, so the odds of having snow on the ground on Christmas day was very slim. Therefore, I was very grateful to be able to see the ground blanketed with white powder on that one special holiday.
I also remember the last Christmas I spent with my mother, before she passed away. I spent Christmas day at the hospital, by her side. I delivered a variety of gifts, combined with lots of, hand holding, kisses and conversation. My main goal was to make sure she knew that she was loved and would not die alone.
Over the years, there were many other memories created and as I reflect back on them, I realize the most important memories revolve around the people we love and the sharing of our time and attention. So this year, as you sit back and watch your favorite Christmas movie and reflect back on the special moments in your life, you might also want to consider what type of favorite memories you are helping to create for your loved ones. For as quickly as time passes, it will only be the blink of an eye until you are gone and your grandchildren will be the ones sitting in an easy chair and reflecting back on the favorite Christmas memories of their life.
I hope this holiday becomes a treasured memory within the hearts and minds of all your loved ones.
Franklin T. Wike, Jr.
U S Legacies Magazine December 2003
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